Iryu Sousa

Poster for Iryu Sousa

Satoshi Itomura is an assistant police investigator who belongs to the Metropolitan Police Department’s Scientific Investigation Team. Reenactments, fingerprint and voice data collections, profiling... His team collects scientific evidence and pieces together fragments of information in order to help build evidences. However, Itomura often does not care about the scientific approach and instead pays a great deal of attention to the things that the victims always carried with them or treasured. And he focuses on these things because they usually carry the victim’s dying wishes, understanding that last message not only helps solve the cases but also brings closure to the depressed family of victims.


Kamikawa Takaya



  • Released: 13 Apr 2011
  • Country: Japan
  • Language: Japanese
  • Watched by: 4
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Season: 6
10 / 10
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Login to see links 3 years ago Mikke
1 / 10
Login to see links 3 years ago Mikke
Season: 7
10 / 10
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Season: 2
8 / 8
Login to see links 2 months ago Mikke